

In a world full of chaos and strife,
Our souls found each other to thrive,
Two hearts beating as one,
Together we're unstoppable, never done.
With a single look in your eyes,
My heart takes to the skies,
Your touch, a comfort to my soul,
With you, I'm always whole.
It's as if we were meant to be,
Our love is pure, so easy to see,
We complement each other in every way,
Together, we face each and every day.
Our love is like a symphony,
A perfect melody, a harmony,
With you, I find my peace,
My soulmate, my heart's release.
The world may try to pull us apart,
But our love is a work of art,
Crafted by the hands of fate,
Our love is forever, no debate.
So let's walk hand in hand,
Together through life's changing sands,
Our love, an unbreakable bond,
Our souls, forever intertwined and beyond.

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