Rekindled Love


Once upon a time, we were in love,
But life's twists and turns tore us apart,
Our hearts left aching and adrift,
Trying to find our way back to the start.
Years passed, and we went our separate ways,
But something in me couldn't let go,
The memories of our love's sweet embrace,
Haunting me with each passing echo.
And then, fate brought us back together,
Our paths crossing once again,
My heart beating fast, my breaths shorter,
As I tried to understand the feeling, the strain.
And there it was, that old flame,
Rekindled, bright and true,
A love that refused to die, to remain tame,
Bursting forth with life anew.
With you, my heart feels complete,
A love that never lost its beat,
We found our way back to love,
A love that's pure, like a dove.
Together, we'll create new memories,
And cherish the old ones too,
Our love, a beacon of hope and beauty,
A love that's rekindled, bright and true.

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