Forbidden Love


Our love is like a rose,
Beautiful, but with thorns that oppose,
We yearn to be together,
But society forbids us to discover.
Our hearts beat as one,
But our paths seem to be undone,
Forbidden to love, to be,
Our love is a secret, only we can see.
The world may frown upon our love,
Judging us from above,
But we know that our love is pure,
A love that's worth fighting for.
Our hearts ache with the pain,
Of a love that's not allowed to reign,
But we hold onto the hope,
That someday, we'll find a way to cope.
For our love is like a flame,
Burning bright, but untamed,
And we'll continue to hold on,
Until the day our love can be shown.
Until then, we'll find solace,
In the moments we're together,
Our love may be forbidden,
But it's a love we'll cherish forever.

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