Unconditional Love


Unconditional love is what we share,
A bond that's strong, a love that's rare,
It's a love that's free from fear and doubt,
A love that we cannot live without.
Our love is like a beacon of light,
Guiding us through the darkest of nights,
It's a love that's selfless and pure,
A love that will always endure.
With each passing day, our love grows,
Like a beautiful garden that overflows,
With flowers that bloom in vibrant hues,
A love that's strong and always true.
Unconditional love is a rare find,
A love that's constant and always kind,
It's a love that knows no bounds,
A love that always surrounds.
Our love is like the rising sun,
That shines brightly and warms everyone,
It's a love that's full of grace,
A love that cannot be replaced.
For we know that true love is rare,
A love that's free and always fair,
It's a love that we hold so dear,
A love that's always near.
Unconditional love is what we share,
A bond that's strong, a love that's rare,
And we know that our love will always last,
For it's a love that's forever cast.

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