Love in the Autumn Breeze


As autumn leaves fall gently to the ground,
Our love begins to astound,
For there's something in the crisp, cool air,
That makes us want to love and care.
As the leaves change from green to gold,
Our love grows deeper, strong, and bold,
For there's something in the autumn breeze,
That fills our hearts with warmth and ease.
We walk hand in hand, amidst the leaves,
And share our hopes, dreams, and beliefs,
For there's something in the autumn light,
That makes our love shine so bright.
As the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer,
Our love only grows stronger and stronger,
For there's something in the autumn air,
That reminds us to love, to cherish, to care.
We watch as the trees shed their leaves,
And we know that our love will never leave,
For there's something in the autumn season,
That fills us with love and endless reason.
As the wind blows and the leaves swirl,
Our love becomes our greatest pearl,
For there's something in the autumn breeze,
That whispers sweet love to you and me.

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