A Friendship to Remember


Friendship is a bond that's true,
A treasure we hold close and dear,
It lifts us up when we are blue,
And brings us joy that's always near.
With each passing day, we grow,
Stronger and wiser, hand in hand,
Sharing our hearts and souls below,
Building a bond that truly stands.
We laugh together, we cry together,
Through thick and thin, we stick together,
In every season, in every weather,
Our friendship is one that will last forever.
The memories we create along the way,
Will live on in our hearts and minds,
A friendship to cherish, come what may,
A treasure that's truly hard to find.
So here's to you, my dear friend,
A friendship that will never end,
With each other, we'll always blend,
A friendship to remember till the end.

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