A Friend for Life


Friendship is a precious bond,
A connection strong and true,
It's a gift that we can cherish,
And always hold on to.
Friends are there to share our joys,
And help us through our pain,
They offer words of comfort,
And sunshine after rain.
With a friend by your side,
You can conquer anything,
Together you can face the world,
And all the challenges it brings.
A friend is someone who knows you well,
And loves you just the same,
They see the best in you,
And help you reach your aim.
So cherish every moment,
With the friends you hold so dear,
For they will always be with you,
To share a smile or tear.
And know that in your heart,
A friend will always stay,
A shining light to guide you,
On life's winding way.
So here's to friendship true and strong,
A bond that never ends,
A friend for life, a guiding light,
A love that always mends.

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